Notre nouvelle urne écologique ROOTS, qui se transforme en arbre, vient de se voir décerner le prix «Développement durable et écodesign en design industriel» lors du gala des GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN 2018.
A life ends, another begins. INÉDI’s Roots funeral urn is designed to see a tree spring from the ashes of a loved one, offering a soul-soothing and eco-friendly ritual to root one’s mourning.
In partnership with Muses and a researcher in horticulture, while being limited to a budget of $30,000, the team executed a series of tests to target the ideal natural and inoffensive materials to use. The cement at the base of the urn is made of coffee grounds and lime, fused with gelatine. The top of the pot, in which cuttings are rooted, is made of clay.